The science is in: Exercise isn’t the best way to lose weight

2 min readMar 28, 2024


Exercise: A Weight Loss Myth?

Despite the prevailing belief that exercise is the key to weight loss, scientific evidence suggests otherwise.

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Research has consistently shown that exercise is largely ineffective for significant weight reduction.

The Energy Equation

Our bodies burn calories through three main pathways: resting metabolism, the thermic effect of food, and physical activity. While physical activity can account for up to 30% of daily energy expenditure, the vast majority comes from resting metabolism (over which we have limited control).

Compensatory Mechanisms

Even when we increase our exercise levels, our bodies respond with compensatory mechanisms that undermine our weight loss efforts. Compensatory behaviors include increased hunger, reduced activity levels outside of workouts, and a slowdown in resting metabolism as we lose weight.

The Hadza Case Study

The Hadza hunter-gatherers in Tanzania provide a striking example. Despite their extremely active lifestyle, their daily energy expenditure is comparable to that of sedentary adults in industrialized countries. This suggests that their bodies somehow conserve energy elsewhere.

The Importance of Diet

The key to weight loss lies in addressing calorie intake through diet. Physical activity can be a valuable supplement to a healthy eating plan, but it cannot compensate for overeating. It takes a significant amount of exercise to burn off excess calories from unhealthy foods.

Policy Implications

Public health policymakers should prioritize improving the food environment to promote healthier choices. Exercise should not be overemphasized as a weight loss solution, as it may lead people to underestimate the challenges of balancing energy intake and expenditure.


While exercise is essential for overall health and well-being, it is not a magic bullet for weight loss. It requires consistent effort, can be difficult to sustain, and is easily undermined by compensatory mechanisms. Weight loss is primarily achieved through dietary changes and a comprehensive understanding of the energy equation.

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